Thursday, October 6, 2011

welcome to shelf-by-shelf

I grew up in a house filled, floor-to-ceiling, with books. My mother has a Bachelors in Philosophy, a Masters in English, and she has her EBD (Everything But Dissertation) in Linguistics--so you can imagine we had a LOT of reading material in the house growing up. When I was a kid, I would lay on the couch and just study the shelves, memorizing the tattered bindings and obscure titles of the books that were intertwined with my childhood.

When my mother moved to Israel almost 5 years ago and couldn't bring most of her books with her, I jumped at the opportunity to have them in my possession. Even though I hadn't read most of them, and knew I probably never would, I, too, wanted a house filled with the best décor money can buy--shelves and shelves of books.

Well, after 5 years of looking at my mother's books sitting on my shelves, untouched, I've decided it's time to read them. All of them.

I'm turning 24 tomorrow, and I've resolved to spend this 25th year of my life immersing myself in the vast array of knowledge that sits right at my fingertips.

My plan is as follows:

I will go shelf-by-shelf, reading every book, regardless of content. Now, this gets a little more complicated as I've collected my own library of books over the years (I also have a Masters in English), and I am married to a doctor, so many of our shelves are filled with medical textbooks and other books devoted to health. So, I reiterate, I will read all books, regardless of content--much more impressive, huh?

The purpose of this project is to amass as much knowledge about as many things as possible before I'm 25, without taking any classes or spending any money.

There are going to have to be some ground rules, so that this whole thing doesn't get out of hand:

1. I will read every book in order of placement on my shelves (starting in the top left corner of this bookshelf, and working my way across):
2. If a book is completely unbearable (like some of my beloved hubby's boring textbooks), I must read at least 25% of the book before moving on to the next book on the shelf.

3. This challenge excludes: dictionaries, books in foreign languages (like Hebrew prayerbooks and bible), and any books that I have read within 1 year (although I can re-read any books if I loved them and want to revisit them).

4. I will blog about my experiences, frustrations, and thoughts along the way.

I look forward to going on this journey with you, shelf-by-shelf.



  1. Um... I think that it's going to be pretty difficult to get through 25% of Guyton's Medical Physiology, but good luck. I actually tried it once and only got through like 10% (although I have read many other parts when using it as a reference).

  2. Wow! At least now I have pictures of my beloved books. I miss them. Do you have all of the books I gave to Ali, too? This is a great project, and it's cool that your head will be full of some of the ideas still floating around in mine.

  3. So cool! I'm looking forwards to learning along with you. I hope you will post some interesting facts and synopses so I don't actually have to read them myself.
